06 October 2008

Things are in the works.

Still can't say that I've been up to much. I've chilled out on the use of gas and I've been training at the gym a fair amount. A far cry from the start of this summer when I was climbing three days a week, and all of it outside. I did manage to find an outside project, "Lost Boys 5.10+" at Broughton's Bluff Bat Wall. Just in time for the rain to start. It looks like things are going to be wet from here on out.
I'm getting ready to head to Smith in a couple of weeks, where I'll find some more projects. Right now I'm looking at working both Phoenix and Drill 'em and fill' em , both of which are 10a. Phoenix is supposed to be the best 5.10- in the park. I'm excited that I've finally started to sack up and get on routes that are at my level. It will be good to get on a high quality line. For the one of the first times in my climbing.
I know I'm stronger and moving better, because I flashed a V5 at the gym yesterday. I used to not care about grades, but as I'm progressing, I've become slightly fixated on it. Not so much to compete (though at times I catch my competitive side kicking in)but to measure where I've should have been climbing at all this time. I've held myself back for the last two years and I'm not totally pinned down by my own head.
I think it helps that I've been putting in sometime on straight up gym workouts. I've build up some mental toughness by pushing myself through some circuit workouts, complex work outs, straight up strength work, and I shouldn't forget...runs up to 60 minutes.
As some of you know, I tried to keep track and share my workouts on my google calendars, which I was not good at keeping up, mostly because I couldn't get it to work the way I wanted to. I started a training blog, which can be found here: Training blog, or at the link on the sidebar.
I have become a complete nerd about training. I read training blogs, I read and buy books about weight training, climbing movement, Rob Shul even answered my question on one of his daily posts. I've totally geeked out. I realized that I've been busting my ass on these killer work outs because I want to become an alpine climber!! Here are a few who are inspiring me right now:

Reinhold Messner

Steve House,

Rolando Garribotti,

Right now I'm working toward getting the required gear, I'm going to take an AAI class in the Summer and I'm going to start easy with the 3 Sisters, and hopefully several trips up to Washington Pass.

Lastly and most importantly. Two weeks ago I went to Mill End and got some Cordura. I'm starting my own company making chalk buckets, bags and soon packs. Ben Dewey is working on a logo and I'm just waiting to launch.
Dirt Bag Packworks is coming soon

That's all I've got for now. But stay tuned for some more, hopefully more consistent posts.

1 comment:

John said...

Rob of Mtn Athlete will be back in PDX this Feb/Mar giving another one of his seminars... I would highly encourage anyone with alpine aspirations to attend... tons of info for a super cheap price!