03 August 2008

Wish I cculd say that I've been to busy living life to post, but that would be a half-truth

We have been a bit busy. But in the end I'm just not making the time to write. Have been busy climbing though. I'm finally learning to "sack up" and go for it outside. I've broken through to the the point where I'm pushing my self and get on things that are a bit over my head. But really, it right where I need to be...I'm just starting to access some of the skill and strength that's been hiding inside my fear all along. This means that things that used to spit me off, are starting to become doable. There was a time when I never thought I'd be able to climb 5.10 trad, but now I'm on the cusp.

A long term project finally fell this week. "Classic Crack" is a short, but beautiful climb at Broughton's Bluff rated (not that it matters) 5.9+. In total I probably spent ten days on it, and until last week, I constantly got my ass handed to me. Last Tuesday Matt and I went up to work on the line and magically I made it to the top not once, but three times. Feeling good I went for the lead, but let fear get the best of me and had to hang on a piece. I didn't let it get me down though. It's all part of the process. I took a few lessons away that night.

One rest day later I was back with Jeff. I went straight for it and fell at the last move. My first whipper on a small cam! After working out the right gear with Jeff and four more attempts. I laced up for one final go before the ranger shows up to hand out tickets. It was one of those moments where everything comes together. With Jeff shouting encouragement, lunched into the moves confidently. Getting the gear with little effort. After a brief moment of distraction, I brought my self back together and pulled through the final moves. Yelped with Glee, packed up and went home.

The best thing about reaching a goal is not the feeling of achievement, but the knowledge that you're prepared for the next challenge. Now its 15 feet down the wall to Sheer Stress (10a). I'm giddy like a school boy.

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