Almost instantly, the drainage stopped being gross (relatively speaking) and proceeded to just be red and gross. This was Wednesday, as of Friday, I can't tell if I've got a scab or an eschar, but there is a possibility that it's infected again. This pisses me off. I can refer you to my calendar so you can see for your self how long I've had this goddamn thing. I have another appointment on Monday...we shall see.
This means that I haven't worn shoes in six weeks! Which means I haven't climbed in six weeks. I would attempt to console my self with some surfing (I mean attempting to surf), but I can't have any pressure on the back of my right heel. So I sit, eat too much, go to the gym and lift three days a week and go absolutely crazy. I'm also making Amy crazy.
I leave you with this.
I'm super stoked to hear you're sorting out yr foot. Thanks for plugging the thumb.
At least your girlfriend has super cute kids who look like they are funny too.
OK, now I feel bad for saying that. I'm really, really sorry Bob. Seriously, I hope your foot gets better soon and if I can do anything to help you I totally will.
ahhhh, welcome to the world of weird mutating bacteria. If we're all going to dish our gross infection stories...don't you remember when I had random parts of my body swelling up with some crazy infection that would kill me if I didn't go to the emergency room or go on super antibiotics that kill every living thing in your body? They still don't know why that happened...the bacteria are taking over.
I did get your email which I will respond to shortly. My new email:
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