So I decided to meet Leah in Yosemite, even though I really didn't have the cash, or the time off to go, because I've wanted to there since I was at least 12. At that point my walls where covered with pictures of the great climbers and topo maps for The Nose on El Cap. I knew that August wasn't the right time to go, that it would be too hot and not to mention the fact that Leah had a broken foot. Despite all of this I bought a ticket to Reno where Leah agreed to pick me up.
We entered the park through Tuolumne Meadows. This was my first time really driving since I had to drive to from Detroit during my epic trip back to Cleveland in February. This was also my first time driving on mountain roads. I was a bit freaked out, but all of my focus was lost when we came around a bend and got our first real look at Half Dome. I some how managed to keep my focus while driving through the most beautiful and inspiring landscape I've ever seen.
Two hours later we made it to Camp 4 where we managed to get the one of the last camp sites. There are bear warning signs all over the park. This would prove an interesting bit of foreshadowing. After pulling our bags from the car we started packing our food away in the bear boxes. There are fines for leaving food out, which can also result in being kicked out of your site. Well, as we packed the box I heard a ruckus being raised behind me and I turned around to see what the hell was going on. There, no more than fifteen feet away was a bear sniffing our bags. While I stood there trying to remember just what I was supposed to do one of the guys in the site next to us scared off the bear.
After the bear had been taken care of, Leah and I headed up to Glacier Point to get more views of the Valley and in a hope to meet up with two of her friends from Vegas. Glacier point offered more beautiful view of half dome, as well as the Royal Arches, Washington Column, and Mount Watkins, as well as the only two falls that where still running. The crowds at the height of tourist season is a bit intense and I don't do too good with large crowds so we headed back to camp to eat chill and have a bearless night of sleep.

We woke the next day hoping to find Leah's friends and find time for me to get some climbing in. On a tip from Leah's climbing partner we headed over to the Manure Pile Buttress to get on the classic "After Six". There are a couple things you need to realized about the way I climb from time to time. First, I hate (but am trying desperately to love) slab!! Secondly, I sometimes have a hard time committing to movement when I start doubting my ability. Now this climb is well within my onsight ability. But do to the nature of climbing in this area I have no choice really to get on some slab. Leah was\is AMAZINGLY patient person because she stood in the sun while I fought my way up the very well protected section of the pitch. Until I arrived at the run out spot, at which point I just went for it so hard that I went straight past the anchors and had to down climb back to the anchors. While I was doing something that kind of resembled climbing I noticed a pinching in both of my heels. I was curious about this pinching feeling, but I pushed it out of my mind and continued fighting with my self.
When my feet touched the ground again Leah and I swapped ends and she proceed to walk up the pitch with one of her climbing shoes on and with one of mine on her broken right foot. While she styled me on this route it was still painful for her and it was goddamned hot so we headed back to camp for lunch.
As we sat eating lunch, one of the people we shared our sight with asked me "What the fuck happened to your foot!" I looked down and saw this:

That is pretty gross, yo.
Good call, Dave.
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