14 June 2007

Mental Health Day.

After a rough day at work yesterday I decided that it was time for a mental health day. For those not familiar with the idea of a mental health day the concept is a simple one. A mental health day is a day where you are supposed to be at work, but take the day off. Weekends and holidays don't count. From time to time, I like to take these days. Its the feeling that I'm getting away with something. I take these days to recharge, do stuff I can't normally do, which pretty much means sleep all day.
I haven't been sleeping well lately, and after spending a few nights in a bed, I'm convinced that it has very little to do with the fact that I've been sleeping on the floor. With this in mind (along with the fact that I've been keeping someone else up with my toss n' turning and talking in my sleep.) I went and got some melatonin hoping that it will help me sleep. I popped one read for a spot and drifted off to dreamland. I'm pretty sure that it worked. If I woke up before the morning sun illuminated my avocado green walls I don't remember it. I managed to sleep in till 9:15 or so. Which is rare, I never really sleep later than 8:00 on my weekends. I think that maybe it's time for some kind of shades for my window.
I didn't do much with my day off. When I finally pulled my ass out of bed I went downstairs, made some eggs and veggie sausage and settled in to play some "Prince of Persia" for a spot. Round 10 something or other I rode with Ben on his way to work and split off with him to go to the gym. After my work out I dropped off for a bit of a nap.
For whatever reason I put off getting a cup of coffee all day, adn this gave me one of the most fucked headaches I've had in a long time. I almost tossed my lack of a lunch in the yard of a guy wearing a "Jesus Christ" T-shirt and blaring some awful music out his open front door. A double tall latte later most of the headache has subsided and I'm watching the Caves play High School Basketball. Maybe that's not fair to them, but they are getting out played my the Spurs.

I've been thinking about Portland a lot lately, not because I live here, but because some of my roommates are thinking of moving away from here. This place has its perks. Its very easy to get around town without a car, though riding or taking the bus everywhere does get old quick. The weather is struggling to get nice, with it raining on a couple days a week now.
This place is hard for me to live in sometimes. I've just been wondering if I'm better off than I was a year ago and I'm not sure the answer is yes. This obviously isn't the place to go into what isn't going right, so I'll stay away from that. But I'm just not sure what I'm trying to accomplish here. And as my friends talk about moving, I think about it. Right now there are things that make me want to stay here. It's just that sometimes I can STAND this place. I hate the fact the there are people who are paid to hold fucking picket signs all day. The rate for such hard work is 12.50, a whole four dollars more than Ben Dewey makes for much shittier work, its bullshit. I had suspected that the people holding these signs didn't know what the fuck they are protesting, so I guess its good to know that my initial impulses where right. They have no reason to be there. Makes me feel real good about the system.
Another thing that bothers the hell out me here, and you can hate me for it if you want, is the fucking street kids. In Cleveland, if you live on the street you are fucking crazy. Here, if you're young, it seems like you live on the street because you're too fucking punk rock to find a place to live. So you wander the streets trying to bum money off the people who actually have the balls to go to a job that they may hate. They look like they have been recently taken care of, aside from the fact that they are covered in dirt, and they're mouths are full of piercing. Now there are some who maybe out on the street because they have a problem. Like the girl Amy and I saw at the mall early this week, who ran down the escalator and almost ran me over in order to loot the garbage can.

Ok there are only four minutes left in the game so I'm going to put this down and pray for a win.

It all over...Good Night.


Elaine said...

Caffeine addiction sucks, doesn't it? ;) I can sympathize with the lack of sleep. Are you still sleeping on the floor?? What happened to the idea of getting a bed??

E. McGrew said...

You're slacking... Almost two months and no posts. This better mean you've been writing on paper somewhere. Otherwise I may have to start giving you assignments ;).